
Venemaal järjekordsed kuumarekordid

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ynXoIpQaB, 10.10.2015 23:39
I must admit i,m tired from all of this very tired and drained. Im just a nomral 'pleb' who wants to do right, thats all it's ever been about since I started on this. I hate what is happening with my beautiful island and the elite idiots that run it, the ass wipe lackeys that kiss ass and stamp their feet should be put into herds deep.How can we just sit back and watch ILM take us back into the dark ages without there being a total outcry from our politicians We are at a crossroads right now simple as that All because they want their man Warcup in?We will fight all the way, I feel so strongly about this, sometimes I wish I was on the Farce blog, zero research, zero facts, zero guest posts,= easy life, yes if you want truth you must work hard, research, and face ridicule, I have had it all, why do I carry on its very simple.I was born into a very caring loving family, I was lucky, some not so, I have a social conscious thanks to my upbringing I just want justiceThe idiots have no idea about the amount of work WE/I put in, I do it all under my name, NO FEAR and never will I show Fear. To the cowards who protect child abuse, the politicians who protect child abuse we will never stop and next week is the beginning.rs

AOUTEdPPz, 10.08.2012 02:31
Kas palun saaks selle jama juba lf5petada? Mul on halb Postimeest lugeda, kui seal iga pe4ev je4lle minusiggune Savisaare mf6la poole lehe suuruselt vastu vahib!Sfcda on paha sellest laimukampaaniast, he4rra Savisaar, palun pakkuge asjalikke lahendusi probleemidele ja lf5petage see Ansipi-jutt juba fckskord. Tf5esti, iga Keskerakonna laimukampaaniaga (muid neil muidugi polegi) hakkan je4rjest rohkem tf5siselt sfcdamest Keskerakonda ja nende strateegiaid vihkama. Kerge on f5iendada ja kritiseerida, paraku nii midagi konstruktiivset ei saavuta. d5nneks ei ole Savi ja Kesk sellest veel aru saanud ja laimukampaania auk, mida nad endale kaevavad, saab iga pe4evaga je4rjest sfcgavamaks. Sfcdamest loodan, et varsti on loota tunneli lf5pus valgust ja Keskerakonna lahkumist vf5imult.Kas pole kummaline, et nii paljudele inimestele on oluline, et vf5imul oleks dcKSKd5IK mis teine erakond, peale Keskerakonna? Jeesus kfcll, kuidas Savisaar ise f6f6siti magada saab? (ja ma ei re4e4gi ffcfcsilistest komplikatsioonidest, mis sellise vormiga kaasnevad)




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