
Marko Kaasik: Nähtavasti ei ole korralikku talve oodata, kuid välistatuid pole üksikud lühiajalised külmalained

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hTItCie8oHz, 07.04.2014 01:35
Things are slightly drieeffnt now and can only get better. You now have blogs such as this. You also have people recording and publishishing timelines of events etc things the public would not usually be informed about. Long may it continue.

Igor, 02.01.2014 21:43
oled sa sellest nii kindel et torme ei tule ma nii kindel küll poleks.

Geego, 02.01.2014 19:39
Torme ei tule enam. Seega mõttetu ilm tulekul. Ootame hiliskevadet.




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