
2. nädala pilt!

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EFiGFGYeENy, 04.06.2012 02:14
Hi ChristopherHave got a solution for you.123456789101112131415... lgnaguae="javascript">$ document .ready function $ "#demo-menu > li > a" .not ":first" .find "+ ul" .slideUp 1 ; $ "#demo-menu > li > a > span" .text '+' ; // add an indicator to the menu items to show there is a child menu $ "#demo-menu > li> a" .each function toggleMenu this ; ; function toggleMenu id $ id .click function var flag = 1; if $ this .find "+ ul" .is ':visible' // set flag to hide the menu we have just clicked on if it is open - as we have clicked to close it.flag = 0; $ "#demo-menu > li> a" .each function /** hide all the menus*/ if $ this .find "+ ul" .is ':visible' $ this .find "+ ul" .hide ;$ this .children "span" .text '+' ; ; if flag == 1 $ this .find "+ ul" .slideDown 500 ;$ this .children "span" .text '-' ; ; ;</script>Just drop the above script in place of the cookie using code. This will have all the menus closed on startup and will only allow one sub menu to be open at a time.John




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